The Hess Family Tree


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12. Ian Ernest PATTON (Mavis Maude LENNOX9, Thomas James LENNOX7, Charlotta Sophia Elizabeth HESS3, Friedrich "Frederick"2, Daniel1) was born on 30 May 1940 in Queen Victoria Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, died on 21 Jan 2013 in Latrobe Regional Hospital, Traralgon, Victoria, Australia at age 72, and was buried on 26 Jan 2013 in Hazelwood Cemetery, Hazelwood North, Victoria. The cause of his death was Multiple organ failure - days. Pancreatic cancer - years. - Dr. D. Pol. {FGID: 182967104}

(Ian was born in the Queen Victoria Hospital - the old hospital).

Ian passed away peacefully at 12.54am at the Latrobe Regional Hospital with his son Gary & daughter Maureen by his side.


Workers Compensation Claim: Victorian Railways & Intermodal.

National Service: National Service Registration & Deferment., 13 Mar 1958, Longwood, Victoria, Australia.

1962: Ian resided at 47 Railway Street, Euroa, Victoria, Australia.

1966: Ian resided at Hill Street, Longwood, Victoria, Australia.

South Auroa Rail Disaster: Overnight train between Sydney and Melbourne., 7 Feb 1969, Violet Town, Victoria, Australia.

On February 7, 1969 the family was up early and in what the kids, Gary, Noel & Maureen, regarded as an unusual occurrence at the time, lan was picked up by the railway truck which used to transport the railway maintenance crew.

The truck was on it's way to Violet Town.

At approximately 7.05 that morning the 'Southern Aurora" passenger train en route to Melbourne had collided with a 'Goods' train travelling north, near the McDiarmid's Road Railway Crossing. The accident happened just as most passengers were preparing for breakfast.

Somewhere before Violet Town the driver of the passenger train suffered a heart attack and died at the controls.

An eerie silence was known to settle over the scene immediately following the impact, then the power van at the back of the train exploded, waking people up to three miles away and causing fire to sweep through the train. Eight passenger carriages and seven freight cars were derailed in the accident. Working through the wreckage, guided mostly be the sounds of the injured, a derailed passenger carriage was given little attention, given it's relatively good condition in light of the circumstances.

As things started to settle down, further investigation of this carriage revealed it's secret. A man was assisted from the Toilet of the carriage.

Eight people died and 117 people were injured as a result of the accident.

1978: Ian resided at Hill Street, Longwood, Victoria, Australia.

1980: Ian resided at Hill Street, Longwood, Victoria, Australia.

RESIDENCE: 7 Brereton Street, in 1982, in Traralgon, Victoria, Australia.

2002: Ian resided at 26 Allambi Street, Shepparton, Victoria, Australia.

2008: Ian resided at 2, 3 Queens Parade, Traralgon, Victoria, Australia.

RESIDENCE: 2 / 3 Queens Parade, on 22 Feb 2005, in Traralgon, Victoria, Australia.

Ian was buried at the Ian & Kaye's Grave Hazelwood Cemetery, Hazelwood North, Victoria in 2013.

Ian's obituary was published in the Herald Sun on 23 Jan 2013 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

PATTON. - Ian Ernest. Passed away peacefully at LRH, Traralgon, on Jan. 21, 2013. Aged 72 years Loving husband of Kaye (dec. ) for 50 wonderful years. Loving father of Gary, Noel, Maureen, Denise and Trevor, loving father-in-law of Warren and Sean. Loving Pop of 13 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren. Mum and Dad Reunited.

A Father Recalls : 1990, Traralgon, Victoria, Australia 16

The following is based on a series of chats between Ian & Gary over the years.

lan attended the Longwood Primary School No. 2707, through until Grade 6.

As a child lan was actively involved as a Boundary Umpire with
the Longwood Football Club, an activity that his two eldest sons Gary & Noel would become involved with over the coming years.

He had a good friend, Harry Draper, who moved from Longwood into the Diamond Creek, Hurstbridge area of Victoria where lan spent some memorable holidays. Harry had a brother Mick who was later to become a Truckdriver. Harry's father was a Mr Roy Draper.

lan working life began working with his father, and then at the age of 17 he obtained employment on the Victorian Railways until........

lan was to meet Kaye Harrison at Euroa.
After their 3pm Wedding in Nagambie lan & Kaye travelled to Melbourne and spent the night at the Federal Hotel in Collins Street in the City. This hotel, which has since been demolished, was the same hotel that Ian's parents, Ernie & Mavis spent their Wedding night. From there they travelled to Rosebud, back to Melbourne, then to Nagambie before travelling home to Longwood.

They lived in Longwood with lan's parents until February 1962, from there they went to Kilmore and lived with Kaye's Uncle & Aunty, Pat & Patsy Doolan for 6-8 weeks.

They then shifted to Euroa into a flat behind the old clothing factory at 47 Railway Street. They were living at this house when the birth of their first child, Gary, occurred on the 27th June 1962.

lan then had the opportunity to gain employment driving for John Hall in Seymour a Contract transporter for the Victorian Railways. As this job required lan to be away from his young family all week, lan & Kaye were able to borrow a caravan from Jack Hare, who operated the Old Longwood Garage (Tubbs Service Station at Old Longwood on the old Hume Highway). lan's Uncle Doug & Aunty Molly offered to store their furniture in Longwood while they went to live in the caravan in the "circus paddock" in Wallan. They remained here for approximately 3 weeks before they moved the caravan to Wallan East and into the backyard of Norm & Betty Mapleson. Norm Mapeson was the "Ganger in charge" of the Victorian Railways men that lan transported.

Following a period of time they moved the caravan into the Seymour Caravan Park, at the rear of the All-Nighter Cafe. It was here that Gary was to spend his first birthday. They then
moved to 5 President Street in Seymour where they lived until January 1964. It was at this time that lan got a job with the Victorian Railways, and therefore had the opportunity to obtain Railways housing in Wallan East. They were living at this house when the birth of their second child, Noel, occurred on the 11th August 1964.

In October 1964 lan left the Victorian Railways to help in his father's Transport Business in Longwood. lan & Kaye were pleasantly surprised that the flat at 47 Railway Street, Euroa was vacant, so it was to here that they returned until March 1965 when they moved to 4 Challenger Street.

It was around this time that lan commenced work on the construction of the 'new' Euroa Sewerage Treatment Plant where he worked until again returning to work on the Victorian Railways. They were living at 4 Challenger Street when the birth of their first daughter, and third child, Maureen. occurred on the 23rd December 1965.

During the September of 1966 they moved to their new home in Hill Street, Longwood.
Ian worked as a Victorian Railways Ganger with notable Longwood identities such as Pat Cummins, Robert "Red" Breen, Les "Rusty" Russell & Bazil Hotchkiss.
They were living at this house when the birth of their fourth & fifth children, Denise & Trevor, occurred on the 18th June 1969 & 2nd May 1911.(respectively)

All lan & Kaye's children attended the Longwood State School No. 2707, and became involved in quite a number of local activities. Both Gary & Noel were actively involved with the Longwood Football Club as Boundary Umpires, and as Altar Boys at the St. Andrews Church of England. In 1981 they moved to Kaye's sister, Melita and her husbands home at 11 Webb Street, Traralgon until a house became available at 7 Brereton Street. It was here that they remained for 4.5 years before moving to 7 Thexton Street which was their home for 6.5 years.

On the 12th February 1991 lan & Kaye moved to 26 Allambie Street, Shepparton.

They were later to move back to Traralgon and retired to Unit 2, 3 Queens Parade, Traralgon. Ian & Kaye lived at this address until their deaths.

Ian married Kaye HARRISON, daughter of Robert John HARRISON 1 and Linda Mary Veronica Philipina DOOLAN,1,13,14 on 25 Nov 1961 in Nagambie, Victoria, Australia. Kaye was born on 1 Nov 1944 in Euroa, Victoria, Australia, died on 3 May 2012 in Latrobe Regional Hospital, Traralgon, Victoria, Australia at age 67, and was buried on 8 May 2012 in Hazelwood Cemetery, Hazelwood North, Victoria. The cause of her death was Non hodgkins lymphoma and chronic myeloid leukemia - years. Febril illness and neutropenia - days. - Dr. A. Lucci. {FGID: 182967119}

Wedding Photograph: Ian & Kaye Patton's Wedding, 25 Nov 1961, Nagambie, Victoria, Australia.

Gary Remembers.

Mum attended the Euroa Primary School and then later the Euroa High
School where she left after attaining her Intermediate Certificate
(Year 10).
I remember her telling me that she used to work in Nick Krinis' (sic) Fish Shop in Euroa, that's where here main profile photo was taken.
Mum was the glue that held our family together, she suffered a lot but from that she gathered a strength and she passed that philosophy on to her children.


PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORIES: Kaye at 10 years of age in Lewis Street, 1954, Euroa, Victoria, Australia.

RESIDENCE: 47 Railway Street, in 1962, in Euroa, Victoria, Australia.

RESIDENCE: Hill Street, in 1966, in Longwood, Victoria, Australia.

RESIDENCE: Hill Street, in 1980, in Longwood, Victoria, Australia.

RESIDENCE: Hill Street, in 1978, in Longwood, Victoria, Australia.

1982: Kaye resided at 7 Brereton Street, Traralgon, Victoria, Australia.

RESIDENCE: 26 Allambi Street, in 2002, in Shepparton, Victoria, Australia.

Kaye was ill / injured with a Broken left arm on 13 Nov 2004 in Traralgon, Victoria, Australia. Kaye had her plaster removed on the 29 Dec 2004.
Kaye was left handed and it can be seen in her diaries how although the writing was very scribbly whe was able to adapt to using her right hand for a period of time.

22 Feb 2005: Kaye resided at 2 / 3 Queens Parade, Traralgon, Victoria, Australia. Kaye and Ian moved into this Unit on this day.

Surgical Procedure: Removal of Spleen, 14 May 2005, Traralgon, Victoria, Australia. Kaye had an over enlarged spleen, approximately the same size of a football. This was the first sign that she was unwell and her illness worstened over the coming years.

Kaye's obituary was published in the Herald Sun on 5 May 2012 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

PATTON (Harrison). - Kaye. Passed away peacefully at LRH, Traralgon on May 3, 2012 Aged 67 years Loving wife of Ian for 50 wonderful years. Loving mother of Gary, Noel, Maureen, Denise and Trevor, loving mother-in- law of Warren, Sean and Sam. Loving Nanna of 13 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren. At Rest.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 14    i. Gary Ian PATTON died in "Rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated" - Mark Twain.

13. Ronald Noel "Ronnie" PATTON 14,15 (Mavis Maude LENNOX9, Thomas James LENNOX7, Charlotta Sophia Elizabeth HESS3, Friedrich "Frederick"2, Daniel1) was born on 16 Aug 1945,14 died on 17 Apr 1948 in Longwood, Victoria, Australia14 at age 2, and was buried in Old Longwood Cemetery, Longwood, Victoria, Australia.15

(Check these dates, another date of death that was supplied was August
16, 1948). (Reg No. 18369)


Ronald was buried at the Ronnie's Grave Old Longwood Cemetery, Longwood, Victoria, Australia in 1949.

Ronald's obituary was published in The Age - In Memorial on 16 Apr 1949.

First online edition published by © Gary Ian Patton, 1992, revised in 2004, 2007, 2009 2017. Current edition 2020. All rights reserved.

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